[pology] Validation rules with multiple cancelations
mvillarino at kde-espana.es
Wed Aug 22 22:43:30 PDT 2012
Good night,
A user let me know that the following rule:
# «provide» tradúcese como «fornecer»
valid before="\ssupport"
valid after="if\s" env="gnome"
valid msgstr="\bforn(e|é)c."
valid msgstr="\bforn(e|é)z."
valid msgstr="\bespecific"
valid msgstr="\bdá\s"
valid before="r" msgstr="provedor" env="kde"
valid after="searchs?\s" before="r" msgstr="motor(es)?\sde\sbusca" env="kde"
hint="«provide» tradúcese como «fornecer» (ou «especificar» ou «dar»"
Fails by passing "provedor" if the msgid contains "provider", in po
files without the environment "kde".
How can I solve the issue?
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