[pology] Error running check-rules

mvillarino mvillarino at kde-espana.es
Thu Aug 30 15:54:04 PDT 2012

2012/8/30, mvillarino <mvillarino at kde-espana.es>:
> I am trying to get kind of an histogram of incorrect translations, so
> I'm checking all of the files (from kde translation into galician
> lang) with all of the rules. Then the plan is to check all of the
> files fule by rule, fixing errors).
> Stage 1:
> Command issued:  posieve.py -b check-rules gl/messages/

Sweet! no error now

> Stage 2:
Sample error message that appears now:
(from step 1 I know there is one fail with this rule in all of the 1385 files)

marce at aruxo:~/Traducion/KDE/trunk/l10n-kde4$ posieve.py -b check-rules
gl/messages/ -srule:"expression_if/when disabled"
Using internal rules for language 'gl'.
Loaded 1 rule [kde].
Selected rules: expression_if/when disabled.
Active rules define 1 distinct filter set.
Using internal rules for language 'gl'.
posieve.py: [error] Some explicitly selected rules are missing:
expression_if/when disabled.


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