[pology] Problems with check-spell and local wordlist

Javier Viñal fjvinal at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 06:20:56 PST 2012

On Lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012 14:38:33 Claus Christensen escribió:
> Hi
> I'm having problems with spell checking. My basic setup seems to 
> ok. Running
>    posieve check-spell cantor.po
> resulted in a list of possible misspellings. However, I need to apply an
> additional local list of proper spellings, so I created the folder
> da/spell in pology's lang folder and placed a word list named
> lokal.aspell in it. The word list was processed by
> normalize-aspell-word-list without problems.
> Now when i run
>    posieve check-spell cantor.po
> I get this message:
> posieve: [error] cantor.po:header: Sieving failed: Cannot initialize 
> ... Can't create speller object
> What am I doing wrong?


	Some words in your local dictionary are not recognized by aspell 
(possibly because of some character that aspell does not like in your 
	You can locate it executing the command "aspell" directly against 
your dictionary. I had the same problem with the Spanish version of 

Yours: Javier
> best regards, Claus Christensen
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