[pology] Migration to KDE Phabricator and Python 2 deprecation

William Gathoye william at gathoye.be
Sun Aug 13 16:00:29 PDT 2017

Dear Chusslove Illich,

It's 2017. I would like to give a kick to the development of the tool
you developed. This means using modern tools contributors from 2017 use.

I realized your tool was only available from the old SVN KDE
instance[1]. In order to make it easier for newcomers to contribute to
the project, would you mind moving your sources out of the l10n-support
SVN repository and create a subproject in the phabricator instance? The
repo URL would then be: https://phabricator.kde.org/source/pology/

This means we will have to write a broadcast post in order to let any
l10n leads know about this change.

That way, other FOSS projects willing to work with pology[2] could
contribute with more ease, as every repo in the KDE Phabricor instance
are automatically mirrored to Github (in read-only though).

Also, your documentation states pology is only compatible with Python 2.
The packaged version I had on my GNU/Linux distribution (Arch Linux) was
built to work only with Python 2[3][4]. I wonder if your tool can work
with Python 3? Do you have already dropped Python 2? It's time, EOL is
sooner than ever.


[1] https://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-support/pology/
[2] Here at Mattermost, as our translations are based on gettext (po),
we are willing to use your tool. Actually as the Mattermost French
translation maintainer, I'm willing.
[3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pology/
[4] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pology-svn/

William Gathoye
<william at gathoye.be>

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