[pology] Problems with check-spell and local wordlist

Claus Christensen claus_chr at webspeed.dk
Mon Feb 20 05:38:33 PST 2012


I'm having problems with spell checking. My basic setup seems to work 
ok. Running

   posieve check-spell cantor.po

resulted in a list of possible misspellings. However, I need to apply an 
additional local list of proper spellings, so I created the folder 
da/spell in pology's lang folder and placed a word list named 
lokal.aspell in it. The word list was processed by 
normalize-aspell-word-list without problems.

Now when i run

   posieve check-spell cantor.po

I get this message:

posieve: [error] cantor.po:header: Sieving failed: Cannot initialize Aspell:
... Can't create speller object

What am I doing wrong?

best regards, Claus Christensen

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